Wednesday, April 1, 2009 OCD dog...

So for a long time now, we have noticed something "special" with our German Shepherd, Niki. She has a obsession with toys. Mostly balls with sqeakers in them but she always has to have a toy near her or in her mouth. And the OCD part...she will eat her food and have to have the toy in sight. She sometimes drops it in her food bowl and will eat around it or drop it in the other bowl next to her food just so she can keep an eye on it, or make sure Rex doesn't steal it. This morning she just had to get the tennis ball from under the fridge before she could eat. And if she dropped it on the ground and it rolled away from her she would stop and place it within eye sight...and usually this continues until she is just focused on eating or until the ball will just be still. Poor thing..she just can't leave the toys alone.