Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hurt Pride

As I think back about everything and look at what I could have done and what I did, I wish I would have just walked the rest of the race to finish and have my pride. My feet feel better today and it just makes me want to get out there and do it all over again and not let it beat me. What is it with this stupid sport? I have to remind myself that I'm out there training for Ironman and to shake it off.

I guess I have to come to grips with the fact that this is the first time that I have quit something that involved sports. I usually finish it out until the end and say I'm never doing that again. As people crossed the line on Sunday, I sat in medical hoping and wishing and thinking well, maybe I get up and just go finish. I have to...no wait, it hurts to even walk right now and what would that even prove.

I guess I have to make sure next time to stay out of the oyster beds and hope that I have a better bike ride.