Monday, February 8, 2010

New outlook...

After sitting around and thinking about what I was doing a year ago, I have to say I'm very thankful that I'm not training for an Ironman. This weather right now, is terrible for Ironman training. I said that last year for about 18 weeks of non-stop wind and cold and well I was out there every weekend putting in the miles.

This year, I have a new outlook. I'm training for shorter races. My quality of life just means so much to me right now. I've missed out on my family, dogs, friends and God knows what else. I'm keeping it short. I will probably not be happy with my times that I will post but I'm bound and determined to have some fun this year.

I've started a new boot camp here at work with a gal pal, Mallory. She is kicking my butt every Tuesday and Thursday but I have to say I'm having fun and it is the best workout I've ever had. Regardless what anyone tells me, this is has to be the best strength building workout I've done to date. Mallory is great at was she does.

I'm looking forward to this season of triathlons. I feel like I'm blowing my wad all in May, but oh well. It'll be worth it.