Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More tooth drama

So for the past 2 weeks, I've still been having headaches. WTF? Will it ever go away? So I call the oral surgeon and asked if this was normal. Well I guess not, as they wanted me to come back in. They determined there wasn't any infection. So they needed/wanted to take some x-rays to see what was going on. It looked like there still might be a small portion of my tooth that was in there. So they reopened the sockets and went to scrapping on my jaw bone and pulled something small out. Really, you didn't get it all out the first time? So they packed me for dry sockets and I was on my way.

Thursday I decided to work from home to make sure I could take my pain meds. Thank goodness I did. I was so sick. I was fighting off a cold or something and had some antibiotics for it. I took one and was sicker than a dog. My back and lower body was just in horrible pain. I took more pain meds and slept the day away.

Friday was a little better. And the weekend was ok. Monday night brought on some throbbing. Glad I still have my pain meds to take.